Housing & Systematic Racism

I know for sure that generational wealth has had a HUGE impact on the quality of my life today and that those opportunities to own (& steal) land over the number of generations are opportunities that were not afforded to BIPOC folks until very recently in the course of history. Especially in Oregon where Blacks and other minorities were not allowed to live at all - let alone own property per our state's Constitution.

I personally come from a LONG list of ancestors who first stole native land and then owned land for every generation after that (all the way back to the 1840's). Wealth has been inherited down from multiple generations and there's no doubt it has assisted in the owning of the property that I do today as well as the access I have to a number of other wonderful resources.

When people say "that racism stuff was all in the past" or "we have Fair Housing laws to protect people now" or "my life has been full of struggle- I matter too!" .... let's be open to the conversation that our history still has negative impacts. It isn't "solved" once a law is passed. We still have a lot of work to do.

It doesn't mean your struggle isn't important or that your life doesn't also deserve love, support and respect. We all do! This conversation is about something else. It's about a calculated system & set of laws that has caused tremendous harm to people of color. Laws that have made it impossible for large parts of the population to own property, live in certain neighborhoods, build community, access certain schools, etc. Realtors were some of those responsible for these laws as they relate to housing. Let's commit to openly listen, to make mistakes, to stay patient and persistent, & to be uncomfortable and brave in our conversations.
